Name For Goldfish?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2005
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Hey, had my goldfish for a while now and can't think of a name for it!!!

I really wana be able to call it somethin apart from Fish! :D lol

Please give suggestions. . .

p.s. the oscar pond diary is awesome lol :hyper: :hyper: :drool: :drool: :thumbs:
my names for mine are
kelly & spot , bubbles & ocearn baby
Mine are tweety and orange pip.
I have a few goldfish I am really original when it comes to naming fish! Not!!!

Goldie - original and the best!!!
Coco - was brown when I got him
Magnum - used to have brown "magnum PI" tash!
Natsumi - Think it means sunrise - see my avatar!

Ok so maybe I'm no the best person to ask!!
Chip, Vinegar, Battered :thumbs: All good with fish!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: JOKE
I used to have 2 fantails called collectively Boring and Stupid. Then one died and the one that was left became called Fish. he's big now and has recently gained a new tankmate following a tank upgrade - the new bronze and silver oranda is called Chips
My daughter has two comets - very tiny - called Montague Edward Arbuthnot Twistleton Wykeham Fiennes and George. Sometimes I call them George and Monty.....
45 years ago my brother got two comets and called them Timmy and Jack
and my other daughter had a black bug eyed fish called Ugly Fish

all this really says is about the demented nature of my family and very little about fish.

as my daughter continually reminds me "they can''t hear you, mother"
We had three fish called I, want and bitty this was shortly after the release of little britian i know have a bubble eye called pop
Hey, had my goldfish for a while now and can't think of a name for it!!!

I really wana be able to call it somethin apart from Fish! :D lol

Please give suggestions. . .

p.s. the oscar pond diary is awesome lol :hyper: :hyper: :drool: :drool: :thumbs:

any update :) have you managed to pick a name :) we bought a single tail goldfish 6 years ago that was gold all over but had a black stripe across his mouth, so we called him Tash :) needless to say as he grew the black disapeared but the name stuck :)I would just call your fish what they remind you of no rude coments now :no: we have just bought another fish with one black eye so has been name by my daughter shiner :D
mine is called arther and is my avatar

he is named arfter King Arther
I have koi and not all of them have names except for Sheba (the ochiba!) Bertie the sanke (he has a marking like a liquorice allsort), Coco the chagoi and Eugene (the other chag), Kiki the kikusui. Oh, and Jaws cos he's big! Lots of others but they dont have names :D

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