N000000b To Nanos

HMPK love

Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2008
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Bakersfield,CA , U.S.A
SSSooo, I'm getting the nano itch. but I have some space limitations. I've found a tank that I love, and i think it would look awesome as a nano reaf (invert only). It's a 3 gallon cube shaped tank with a light, lid, small filter and its in myprice range :) . I just had a few questions about it.

1. Is this to small?

2. Do they make skimmers for tanks this size?(links please?)

3. What sort of livestock (if any) would be best? (I like urchens,crabs,and shrimp,maybe an easy enemony too..)

4. Whats the best live rock?

5. any other suggestions to a noob?

ANY ifo would be gratly appriciated.

no fish in it (5 gallon may be able to house a clown goby, but not 3 gallon IMO) no skimmer for it, you could do a majano or aiptasia anemone bio-tope, but no show anemones (the ones that clowns host, these get WAY too big for that tank).
Oh! the majano anemone look spiffy. I'll do some reading on those. thank you very much!! Could I possably house a cleaner shrimp or hermit ? or are those to big?

and whay about a feather duster?are there any small enugh for a 3 gal.?
hermits yes, dwarf feather dusters, and possibly even large feather dusters yes, just make sure you feed them daily with some phyto-plankton. No cleaner shrimps (blood, scarlet, peppermint) i believe sexy shrimp may be possible.

If your doing a majano tank i wouldnt keep that many immobile organisms, the majano may kill them.
hermits yes, dwarf feather dusters, and possibly even large feather dusters yes, just make sure you feed them daily with some phyto-plankton. No cleaner shrimps (blood, scarlet, peppermint) i believe sexy shrimp may be possible.

If your doing a majano tank i wouldnt keep that many immobile organisms, the majano may kill them.

Ok. well, I got live sand, and a nice big chunk of live rock today. Im running a Red Sea deco-art nano filter with some filter floss. I think I like the idea of a few small feather dusters and a scarlet legged hermit. I just would like some recommendations as far as specific dusters that would be best for a beginner(cheep easy etc.) Ill have a pic once the water is all cleared up.

buy a feather duster, buy a bottle of phytoplankton (any brand) follow directions. A majano or aiptasia tank would be easier than a feather duster tank. Make sure you do very frequent water changes.
All righty :D I'm going to do a little more reading though. I don't mind doing tank work, its one of my favorite parts of fish keeping. Thanks for all the advice!!!
So I did more reading and came across the yellow pollips. I loved them, and we were lucky enough to fined them at one of our LFS :) I read they were good for first timers and weren't TOO demanding with lighting. I'll post pics of the tank soon.
Pics are here.

the polyps


the tank


what kind of light is that? The spectrum doesnt seem good for optimal growth i dont think, but then again yellow polyps arent exactly 100% photosynthetic. Make sure you feed it with a smallish meaty frozen food (enriched brine shrimp or even better, cyclopeeze) about once or twice a week.

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