The seller lists it as a zebra file snake, which when googled(zebra snake) comes up with a poisonous land snake, doubt it's that so only things I could find about 'water snakes' are these;
but again can't be that as the scientific names are different, perhaps the person selling it, is trying to make out it is rarer then it is and its something very different to what they are saying it is(I'm guessing it's really a zebra eel which is SW not FW).
It's almost certainly meant to have read; Acrochordus granulatus
very little is really known about it's proper captive care and I suspect it would be something of a challenge, here's an abstract from a paper on it's captive care, Zoo Biology Journal
Rare in trade, probably due to it not having a particularly popular appeal! and the little information available on how to care for it. It's actually very wide ranging in the wild
Okay......Now I see dozens of 8~12 inch snakes at my favorite internet fish store.
Somebody, please crush my hopes of getting one. That would be better for me in the long run. What size tank would be the minimum for one? I know that they, as snakes, would be great escape artists, and need a tight cover, but what size tank I don't know......