Mystery Synodontis


Fish Addict
Nov 20, 2006
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i got my lfs to order me in various cichlids and a batch of synodontis pardalis. when i got there though what were meant to be pardalis and even had pardalis wrote on the bag they came in were most certainly not pardalis!

they really were beautiful though so i thought well even if there one of the bigger species i have enough tanks that i can move them around if i have to. i cant actually snap a picture of the ones i have they simply wont stay still long enough, but i found this picture while sifting through google images and they are identicle in the markings but mine tend to be a bit darker.


i really dont have a clue what they are but i can say i love em :lol:

any help appreciated :good:
Synodontis decorus, one of the big boys with an adult size of around 10-12 inches.
cheers cfc, i'll have to move them to a bigger tank when they grow up :good:
just one more quick question. how fast will they grow? because if there going to grow like weeds i'll just move them to a big tank to start with. where as if there going to take years and years they can stay where they are for now. :D
just one more quick question. how fast will they grow? because if there going to grow like weeds i'll just move them to a big tank to start with. where as if there going to take years and years they can stay where they are for now. :D
Trust me, they grow like weeds. One minute you have a cute little syno on your hands, the next, you have a monster!

They're cool fish, though, I must say. A bit too territorial at times. I've had my big boy for about 2-3 years. He's somewhere in between 8-10" now.
just one more quick question. how fast will they grow? because if there going to grow like weeds i'll just move them to a big tank to start with. where as if there going to take years and years they can stay where they are for now. :D
Trust me, they grow like weeds. One minute you have a cute little syno on your hands, the next, you have a monster!

They're cool fish, though, I must say. A bit too territorial at times. I've had my big boy for about 2-3 years. He's somewhere in between 8-10" now.

Its a sad state of affairs, the reasons nothing i ever done about (to all our anger) is that fish arent classed as pets, but as a hobby.
I so maddening to see, laws have tried to be passed but they always get thrown out. So stockist are now taking steps he help people in the hobby, but most people are stubborn and think there way is the right way and no one can tell them other wise.
The ignorance of a lot of the keepers, if you can call them that, is what need to be tackled, but you cant teach someone who isnt willing to learn.

As for the youtube vid, there are a lot of tanks on there like that, most are overstocked and the water is filthy too.
just one more quick question. how fast will they grow? because if there going to grow like weeds i'll just move them to a big tank to start with. where as if there going to take years and years they can stay where they are for now. :D
Trust me, they grow like weeds. One minute you have a cute little syno on your hands, the next, you have a monster!

They're cool fish, though, I must say. A bit too territorial at times. I've had my big boy for about 2-3 years. He's somewhere in between 8-10" now.

Its a sad state of affairs, the reasons nothing i ever done about (to all our anger) is that fish arent classed as pets, but as a hobby.
I so maddening to see, laws have tried to be passed but they always get thrown out. So stockist are now taking steps he help people in the hobby, but most people are stubborn and think there way is the right way and no one can tell them other wise.
The ignorance of a lot of the keepers, if you can call them that, is what need to be tackled, but you cant teach someone who isnt willing to learn.

As for the youtube vid, there are a lot of tanks on there like that, most are overstocked and the water is filthy too.

erm right! ok first what in the hell are you on about? and second what dpes it have to do with some synodontis???? anyone care to enlighten me :unsure:
I think he has posted that in the wrong thread, there is one about a massively overstocked tank of Plecs. Im assuming he had 2 windows open and picked the wrong one lol
I dont think that is a decorus, I think it's most likely a hybrid, I had 6 like it.

/me hangs my head in shame.

I've been really ill over xmas and had to go into work, so was just reading the forums as I aint been on in a long while and I had about 6 tabs open in firefox for the forum :blush:

In my dieing state I've been and posted in the wrong window oops!!

Sorry guys, my bad...

well heres to being back anyway :good:

/me goes and hides for a while now.... :-(

and my two cents are with fella on this one, thats gotta be a hybrid.
I don't think it's a hybrid. My syno looked exactly like that when it was in it's "growth spurt" stage. Their markings looks goofy during that time.

I still say it's a decorus.
He's a cutie though. I need a second fishroom for more big tanks for CFC monsters. :blush:

The proliferation of hybrid Synos must make it tough to ID.

I have 2 unknowns. They are the size of pets and multis. They are muddy brown with black spots. I have concluded that they are most likely a hybrid. But they are fine in my tanks and I don't regret them. I would get them again. Maybe I will get a really good pic someday and post it on PC.

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