mystery snails


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
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what do mystery snails eat? do they need a certain type of food? please let me know as soon as possible
If your mystery snail is an Apple Snail, I think it is, then I don't give mine any special food. I have rarely seen it eat, although it must do! They eat algae in the tank and also any fish food which has fallen to the substrate. If you type Golden Apple Snail or Apple Snail into a search engine you can find lots of information. I would do a link for you but unfortunately I am fairly useless at computers! :) I have tried putting cucumber in the tank for the snail and my Common Pleco but they ignored it. I also tried lettuce with the same result.
Can you buy special snail food? I'll get some if it is available. I have had mine 16 months. :)
Sinking pellets like algae wafers work and cucumber. I feed mine pellets along with my cories and he's going on 3 years now.
Thanks, I already put sinking pellets and Algae Wafers for my Common Pleco. Perhaps the snail has been eating that? It is certainly thriving! :) I have also tried cucumber and lettuce and none of the tank's occupants are interested at all. I do have real plants.
Probably so. I've noticed snails will take a piece of food and "hide it" under the shell or body and eat it so other fish or snails can't get to it.

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