Mystery Snails - Literally!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2007
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A few months back i noticed a small snail (roughly the size of a neon's head) in my community tank. It defiantly wasn't a typical 'pest' snail as it had a trap door. Anyway i isolated it for a while to try and figure out what it was, i couldn't figure it out so as it had a trap door i let it go and it completely disappeared.

Yesterday I noticed another small snail in same tank, I'm almost sure it is not the same one as it is smaller than the previous one. Again it has a trap door and appears not to be a pest snail. I have left him in the tank and when he is out of his shell he does look a little like a very small apple snail.

I do have a couple of Apple Snails in the tank, but there has defiantly not been any eggs from them! Plus the first mystery snail turned up a day after they entered the tank. Anyone got any ideas what these are and should i be worried about them?


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