Mystery Snail


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2006
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Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania(Northeast)
I bought 2 mystery snails today, they both look very healthy,Are really active, Tonight I noticed the one is floating at the surface of the water. and I was just wondering if this is normal? I stuck him back onto the glass a few times, and he kept going back up to the surface to float........
Are Mystery snails the same are apple snails? If so i've read that they do float around from time to time as they can be a bit lazy! They appently fill there lung full of air and then float around.

Also heard that if it had died the snail would most likly be hangging out of the shell.
Yep, they do float for awhile when they have too much air inside them. It isn't anything to worry about.
Alrighty thanks! Hes back on the bottom today.
And at the pet store the guy said they were mystery snails, I too thought they were apple snails, but he said those were illegal to sale? so who knows, there cute none the less!

What do I feed them besides cucumbers, and zucchini, * Will my fish eat these too? ( I have platys and guppys) and algue wafers....

Are Mystery snails the same are apple snails?
Not nessiserily, they can also be trapdoor snails. Trapdoors dont have a snorkel and are livebarers that dont lay eggs. The name 'mystery snail' shows how that when the babies arrived, they were a mystery as there had been no eggs. Now, retailers have them confused with apple snails and call them mystery snails.
No one calls trapdoor snails mystery snails anymore, even though they would be the "true" mystery snails. The snail popularly known as the mystery snail, pomacea bridgesii, is a type of apple snail.
Hi Annaconda, is your tank planted? If yes, they might be floating to eat the layer of "oil" on the surface.
thats good because my apple snail is floating a thought it could be dead but its not :rolleyes: PHEW
I cant seem to keep applesnails alive. They always die! The will be fine for about 4 days them they start to float and eventually there insides come out and they die. Anyone know why?
I cant seem to keep applesnails alive. They always die! The will be fine for about 4 days them they start to float and eventually there insides come out and they die. Anyone know why?

- your water is way outside their range of tollerance for pH/temperature/etc.,
- your water is poisoned with something that affects inverts (fish meds, metals, etc),
- or they are being harassed to death by tankmates.

Pretty much you need a brief tank history, water params, and current stocking to diagnose mystery deaths like the ones described and cure the problem.
I also recently bought two mystery snails. My LFS labeled them mystery snails. It has an extra set of little antenna wrigglers. Total of 4 anttena. It also has snorkel thingie.
I also recently bought two mystery snails. My LFS labeled them mystery snails. It has an extra set of little antenna wrigglers. Total of 4 anttena. It also has snorkel thingie.

All the lfs around my area sell Apple snails labeled as mystery snails. 4 antenna and a snorkel? Sounds like an apple snail to me. <- lots of info

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