Mystery Snail


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2006
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I got 2 mystery snails about a week ago. They are about the size of a quarter. One of them has been in the same spot for 2 days! I know he is alive because he pokes out of the shell and then goes back in at different times. Sometimes he is right side up and sometimes upside down, but never changes spots! What's he doing? Is he sick? ????
Here is his picture.....what do you think?
Sometimes in the morning before I go to work mine are sitting like that, but when I get home they have moved. I dont know what they are doing, maybe sleeping :dunno:

Mine are usually closed up in their shells though.
I have heard that some snails will go dormant. They just stay inside their shell with the little trap door closed behind them. They eventually come out of it and resume their normal activity. Although this situation doesn't sound much like the dormancy I have heard of. It's kind of odd actually. I guess they don't call them mystery snails for nothing.
I got 2 mystery snails about a week ago. They are about the size of a quarter. One of them has been in the same spot for 2 days! I know he is alive because he pokes out of the shell and then goes back in at different times. Sometimes he is right side up and sometimes upside down, but never changes spots! What's he doing? Is he sick? ????
Here is his picture.....what do you think?

The smaller of mine does this for a day or 2 at a time. Once he did this for 3 days on an apparent tasty spot on a chunk of drift wood. By seeing yours out of the shell he/she/it may just be chill'in. ;) I would'nt worry.

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