Mystery Snail Or Pest Snail


New Member
Apr 3, 2009
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Need to some advice/info.
Yesterday I found 3 baby snails hanging out in one of my aquariums (I don't have a pic, but when I get home I can try to get one). I have one Blue Mystery Snail in that tank. There are live Amazon Swords and an Umbrella Plant in the tank. The live plants have been in there for over two months and came from the Petsmart enclosed tubes with gel saying they were snail free.
So now I need to figure out if these are Mystery Snails or Pest Snails.
What I have to go off...
The Mystery Snail was about quarter size when I got it. I know they can store sperm for several months but I found no trace of an egg sac in the tank. I was also not ever looking for one so if there was one I should have found the remnants right? (I didn't just for the record and I checked everywhere I could think)
The live plants were in sealed containers and supposed to be "snail free". While they say "snail free" I wouldn't be shocked if they weren't, but those plants have been in there for over two months with zero sign of pest snails. Water quality hasn't changed and neither has temperature. Could snail eggs have been on the plants this whole time and just recently hatched? The babies are still very tiny but have pretty solid shells. 
The Mystery Snail has only been in the tank about a month, is it possible that eggs could have been on it?
If they are Mystery Snail babies I would keep them, but if they are pest snails I would take them and pop them into my outdoor pond where they can play cleanup crew out there (or get eaten by the Goldfish if they start to breed like crazy).
I highly doubt they are mystery snails considering that when mystery snails lay eggs, they lay huge clutches above the water line that you can't miss and you would have hundreds of babies instead of just two or so. 
They were pond snails. I pulled them out and compared them to pictures. They must have been egg hitchhikers... maybe on the snail or just really slow to grow if they had been on the plants. 

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