Mystery Snail Died Within Hours!?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I got a mystery snail today, it was a good large size and was active in the tank at the petsmart.
I brought it home, and it was moving around a bit, but after a few hours I noticed it in the exact same spot.

Apparently the poor thing died! There is just a black substance inside the shell, I dont know where the snail's tentacles and all went.
What happened to it??
Are you sure it's not the trapdoor you're seeing? Snails can be skittish after a move, and he might have clamped himself shut. Mine did this for several days after I got him.
oh no! I assumed he was dead and all so I removed him from the tank and he has been out in a bag all night!
That poor thing!
It just looks like this black, tar like substance, hard to see. He was moving around a bit just fine and then just as if dead.

Is it too late for him to put him back??
oh no! I assumed he was dead and all so I removed him from the tank and he has been out in a bag all night!
That poor thing!
It just looks like this black, tar like substance, hard to see. He was moving around a bit just fine and then just as if dead.

Is it too late for him to put him back??

Why not put it back asap and see for yourself?
well he has been out in a bag for many hours, over night. I just put him back in.

There is a black type susbstance that sealed off the bottom of the snail shell..
I dont know what's the deal with this thing.

If I know its dead, I can return it and get another..

I noticed whatever the black stuff is, it seems to come out a little more then 5 minutes ago...??

And there is something shiny, droplets...
I have no idea!
WOW! I see the tentacle moving! I think its still alive! The poor little thing was kept outside the tank all night in a bag!
I think he may be okay!? I will keep monitoring...
The way to tell if a snail with a trapdoor is dead is to try to open the door. If it opens easily the snail is dead or on its way out. If it refuses to open then the snail is still alive.
I don't know how similar snails are but I read this about Apple Snails on Apple Snail.

"Don't worry, they can easily survive out of the water for more then a week..."

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