Mystery Snail And Tiger Barbs


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
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So I have a group of eight Tiger Barbs. I picked up a mystery snail to add to the tank today, the guy at Petco said that they would be fine together. I watched the snail come out of his shell, he only got as far as sticking his antennae out when a tiger barb came over and nipped it. He locked himself back up and hasn't opened since. Can these two species coexist peacefully? Is there anything I can do?
Petstore guys rarely know what they're doing when it comes to snails I'm sad to say. Tiger barbs are too aggressive to be kept with a snail, as are most barbs. If the snail is going to get harassed for opening up, there's nothing really you can do except to move the snail to another tank where it can't be harassed or simply take it back to the store.
I had a similar problem with my mystery snail and my barbs. Every time the snail would stick out its antennae a fish would swim over and nip at it. I felt bad for the snail so I took it back since it seemed like it was too afraid to stick out its antennae or head. Barbs are curious mine will nip at anything new in the tank or anything floating around. While doing water changes or other work they nip my fingers.

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