Mystery Scape


Fish Aficionado
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey guys, I've decided to rescape my 8L nano/pico whatever you want to call it as I'd neglected it somewhat whilst I was busy with exams and seeing as I'm going to Wharf Aquatics this week I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to pick up some hardscape and plants. I have no idea where I'm going to go with this so how things pan out is dependent on what I can get my hands on, here's my blank canvas so to speak. The inhabitants will probably be shrimp but I might have a hand at Dwarf Frogs as they're something I haven't kept before.

Looking forward to it mate! Make sure you go on thursday afternoon or friday morning as that's when their plant delivery is. :good:
Looking forward to it, if you need some high power lighting for it let me know dude.
Thanks guys, the tank has a light unit attached but thanks for the offer Steve.
I'm planning on doing a nano rescape on my 5 gallon over the next few weeks. It's amazing what you can do with small tanks. Is it big enough for dwarf frogs? I'd be interested in trying some.

Will be following this for sure.
Tank is filled and has plants in, pics to follow if I remember, when it gets dark :good:
Very nice :good: I'd like a little tank like this for some shrimp myself sometime - how large is it?

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