Mystery Puffer


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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Today I found some "Peru Puffers" (no scientific name).

After finding nothing on "peru" I tried "peruvian". The pictures I found of COLOMESUS PSITTACUS and COLOMESUS ASELLUS look very similar to the puffers in the store. What are some definate characteristics I could look for to properly ID the puffer?

I've read from various sites that the asellus is peaceful (for a puffer), and may do alright in a community tank. Right now I have a 65 gallon with danios, platys, mollys, kuhlis, neons, and a krib. My biggest worry is the neons. I also have a ten gallon tank, but eventhough the puffers are only an inch or two now, I'm sure it would not work as a long term home.

Any advice or help is greatly appreciated. And is it correct that these are freshwater puffers?
Yeah Asselus is peacefull for a Puffer, but that's like saying that Leopards are docile for Big Cats, they're still killers.

Puffers should not be kept in community tanks. Period.
Its quite simple to tell them appart, the Asselus has a completely white underside apart from a black spot under the caudal pundacle and yes this is FW.

Don't try to keep them in your comunity, I tried it with two in my 200l, it didn't work, fin nippers while young, fish eaters when older!

jflowers said:
Don't try to keep them in your comunity, I tried it with two in my 200l, it didn't work, fin nippers while young, fish eaters when older!
Wise words. ;)
if they are assellus, you could keep one, possibly two in a 10 gal, as they only get a couple of inches. but as said, even though they are usually quite docile, having their own tank would be better. granted, you could try them in the community, but have the tenner as a backup..................
MAM said:
if they are assellus, you could keep one, possibly two in a 10 gal, as they only get a couple of inches. but as said, even though they are usually quite docile, having their own tank would be better. granted, you could try them in the community, but have the tenner as a backup..................
Assellus get to over 3 inches. 10g is too small.
SirMinion said:
Yeah Asselus is peacefull for a Puffer, but that's like saying that Leopards are docile for Big Cats, they're still killers.

Puffers should not be kept in community tanks. Period.
'Tis true. I found that out the hard way... Sir knows what happenned to my lungfish. :(

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