Mystery Of My Missing Angel Fish


New Member
Dec 28, 2008
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My red shark has now eaten 3 of my 4 angel fish :sick:
My red shark has now eaten 3 of my 4 angel fish :sick:

Prob not a good idea to keep the shark with them. They can be quite agressive!

he don't seem to bother other fish, but will keep my eyes on the little bugger, had to move my last angel fish into my other tank.

Some fish just dont get on, or could have seen them as an easy meal.

I moved my gold sevs out of my community tank they had been in for years, for a day, put them back in and they got attacked. Guess fish have a poor memory lol
Yeah, we sometimes call our cat a "pea-brain" and the fish are "pico-brains" :lol:

This is the kind of thread you wish the beginners would happen to see before they bring their various red sharks home to community tanks!

Yeah, we sometimes call our cat a "pea-brain" and the fish are "pico-brains" :lol:

This is the kind of thread you wish the beginners would happen to see before they bring their various red sharks home to community tanks!


interesting term of phrase @pea-brain@
what species of shark have you got there? a great white?

Red tailed black sharks and Rainbow sharks will not eat live fish,
maybe if the angels have died then the sharks will pick at them but it would be physically impossible for a shark of that kind to eat a live angelfish.
what species of shark have you got there? a great white?

Red tailed black sharks and Rainbow sharks will not eat live fish,
maybe if the angels have died then the sharks will pick at them but it would be physically impossible for a shark of that kind to eat a live angelfish.

i have plucked 3 dead angels from the tank m8, i presumed they were eaten but they were in a darkened are a of the tank, the shark is a red tailed black, he was picking at them but i thought he would settle down, i wander if they were in his tereatory and he chased em off . They had been ok for a week or so befor hand.
I would personally be checking the water stats before blaming the shark, any fish will eat dead fish, and if the angels have only been in there for 7 days then t is quite possible for them to have been carrying an illness or have not been able to cope with your water parameters

how old is the tank and what size is it?

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