Mystery Lump =( Please Help


New Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Okay, here's the situation:

I've got a 14 gal tank with 1 blue, opaline, pink kissing, and gold gourami in it; as well as 3 corys and 3-4 ghost/glass shrimp.

I just noticed earlier today that my gold gourami "Midas" has developed a fairly large lump on his left side. The lump is almost directly behind his left fin.

Any suggestions or a diagnosis for Midas?

Contrary to popular belief, gourami's don't necessarily do well together, it's possible it's been attacked by another gourami and got infected. Do you what sex they are? Male gourami's should never be kept together cos they'll fight. 14 gallons is also a bit small, recommend you rehome at least 3 if not all of them. Sorry.
How many gallons or litres is tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Lumps that suddenly appear are usually bacterial.
The lump does it look soft like filled with fluiid. Or does it look hard.
Uk anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
United states maracyn plus.
I've got a 14 gal tank with 1 blue, opaline, pink kissing, and gold gourami in it; as well as 3 corys and 3-4 ghost/glass shrimp.

I'm not sure on the water levels at current. I set up the tank about 4 weeks ago so the tank should have just began to level out in it's cycle.

The lump looks solid to me. It almost looks like he swallowed something big and its pressing up against the side of his stomach. Would the maracyn plus work for either soft of hard lumps? or would they need to be treated differently?
Take a sample of your water to the lfs and tell them to write the readings down for you.
If its a tumour there no cure.
All you can do is try a bacterial med.
Maracyn plus, or maracyn one and two.
Best to issolate the fish for treatment.
Good luck.
Good Luck.

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