Mystery Illness


Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
lisburn, N Ireland
I have a sick Neon i think. It looks very thin like its lost its pot belly. This happened to a couple of other fish recently but i never thought it was a problem until it happened again. The first time it was a neon which started acting funny doing sorta cartwheels(sounds daft but true) then the same thing happened to 1 of my minnows. Does anybody know what is causing the prob or what i can do to solve it.

It is the fish in the middle of the pic, it has'nt started 'freaking out' yet but i dont want to lose anymore fish to this mystery illness

not sure, do they swin funny like they cannot swin upright, or are they freaking out and then swimming in a balenced way again?
This one seems fine atm apart from the skinnyness. The last neon swam fine when the lights came on but as soon as they went out it had no control over its body, twitching and doing cartwheels Sounds strange i know its baffling me
Its baffling me too, i want to try and get is sorted b4 i get the new tank as i was going to just add the water from the current tank into the new one.

have you lost many fish due to this illness?[

quote name='drufly' date='Aug 4 2008, 09:58 PM' post='2082145']
I have a sick Neon i think. It looks very thin like its lost its pot belly. This happened to a couple of other fish recently but i never thought it was a problem until it happened again. The first time it was a neon which started acting funny doing sorta cartwheels(sounds daft but true) then the same thing happened to 1 of my minnows. Does anybody know what is causing the prob or what i can do to solve it.

It is the fish in the middle of the pic, it has'nt started 'freaking out' yet but i dont want to lose anymore fish to this mystery illness


This is the third fish in about 2 months now. Not sure if they are related but they all showed similiar symptoms.
Could be an internal parasite, have you treated the tank with anything? Are they eating well, pooing normally?

Also water stats would be good to know :)

Is it just the neons that have the problem or other fish as well?
It has effected 2 neons and 1 minnow.
Water stats are all in the good zone
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
ph 7
nitrate dont have a test kit
All are feeding,pooing and acting normal. The other 2 that croaked it semed lik they had no control of themselves but only when the lights were out

Have not treated tank for about 4 months for white spot, bt its all cleared up

i had this problem a few months ago and lost half my fish,it was called neon tetra disease but it affects all fish!!look it up on google and see what you think! x

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