Mystery Fish


Moved On
May 10, 2005
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I have a tank with neon tetras, guppies, mollies, a plec , a dwarf gouramie, and this thing :p One of my female guppies had started dropping fry before she was moved to the nursery tank. 2 (atleast I thought they were) guppy fry hid in my plants for a long time, and I only just recently saw them. I was afraid to move them since they were in my main tank so long, so today when I checked on them I actually got a good look at this one, and it is not a guppy. I don't believe any other fish were pregnant, I nevery bought it, and if the other missing guppy fry is still hiding, where did he come from? I think he looks a little like my neons, just a different color. Any ideas? :blink:
How do I upload a pic. from my computer?
Here is the link to the other post I have with the pic of the fish. Sorry

Fish Pic.
Looks like an Emporer Tetra to me. Difficult to tell, picture is not that clear. The picture of the Emporer Tetra in the other thread shows an adult specimen in very good condition, they often don't look like that. Black stripe along the mid line is usually a little fuzzy, and continues through the tail, often extending into a small filament. Above the black line is a blue line, similar, but usually not as obvious as a Neons unless the angle is right.

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