Mystery Fish! Help Identifying!


New Member
Mar 13, 2004
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I went to the fish store today and they had this "High head glass fish" which I had never seen before. They say that they got it from a guy comming in from Singapore and that is what he called it. They don't know what it is and they said "good luck" and I bought it. Yes, you may say, "what stupidity" but what can I a sucker for new and weird fish. Any ways it is about 4 inches or so long, has a humb above it's head, and is quite transparent. here's a pic:

weird fish

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That is a hump head glass perchlet (parambassis pulcinella) they come from the thailand/myanmar border. they are apparently fully grown at aound 3" but females are a little smaller. it was only discovered in 2003.

ste :)
From what i can see in the picture i believe the fish is Parambassis pulcinella. A member of the glassfish family it is a oppertunist predator that will try to eat any tankmates small enough to fit into its deceptively large mouth. Not much is known about this fish but if it is anything like other glassfish then it will be sensative to water conditions and will need a tank with low nitrate levels, also it would probably be better kept in a small group.
:wub: got them here in vermont, lps called them a elephant glass tetra, sooo cute, think i might get one

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