Mystery fish...anyone know what this is?


New Member
Aug 9, 2005
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I got this fish "slipped" into one of my fish purchases mistakenly and wanted to know if anyone could ID it...someone said it was a killifish, does anyone know for sure? It is very tiny (about 1/2 inch right now) and under certain lighting, its eye looks a bluish greenish metallic color.
it could be a killi, but the word goby poped into my head when I looked at it :dunno:
Definitely not a goby. It looks like some sort of killifish or one of the 'Rice Fish' (sometimes called the Medaka).

It's a Lampeyed Killifish / Normans Lampeye (Aplocheilichthys normani), they get about 4cm max and should be kept in shoals. Lovely fish, I have 10.

Ideally they should have soft acidic / neutral water, but mine a happy enough in hard / pH 8.
Thanks everybody for helping me to ID the fish! I just got one, so I'm contemplating getting more if they are more comfortable that way. Right now the lil guy is in my planted tank, getting along fine with the others!
It looks really cute!! Healthy and happy - always good!! If you are still not sure go back to the LFS and search the tanks!! That's what I had to do when I was 'donated a fish' by someone that had given up the addiction - how I don't know!!

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