Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
Ok, here is the deal, my molly fish are being massacred, by something that goes bump in the night. At first I thought it was the other male mollys fighting (like they usually do), but when I woke up this morning one had lost an eye and his fins were all torne. I thought then that it was not the mollys that is way to aggresive. Look in my signature and tell me if you think it is any of my fish. 30 gallon I think it is iether my baby rope fish, my baby BGK, or my spiny. They all seem pretty peaceful to me -_- . However I'm not awake at night when they all come out to explore. What should I do with the culprate, to make sure this does not happen agian ????

Also will the molly be alrite, his fins are growing back fine, but i'm pretty sure his eye won't grow back. Will his eye socket heal up? ????
My monies on the african butterfly, these can become very territorially aggressive toward other surface dwellers and can inflict serious damage with their hard boney mouths.
I'd agree with CFC, my African Butterfly Fish will go for anything that moves in on their food or terriotry including each other. Because of the speed at which they can snap down those jaws they can inflict some serious damage.
Both the BGK and rope fish have equally large if not larger mouths but both are also non aggressive to anything they cannot swallow in one easy hit. The shape of the ABF mouth makes it perfect for removing eyes and tearing fins.
Do you still have that Betta in there!? I remember having to put one of your mollies down because it shredded up the poor thing. If not, I'd have to agree with CFC and Ryan.
Not sure what you can do, since you have no extra tanks, unless you get out that old 30. How extensive is the damage on the Molly? :(
samsung-401 said:
HIS EYE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!, I hope he will be alrite :byebye: .
Has the eye been cleanly removed from the socket? Is there any sign of a bad wound? I have had fish lose eyes before it is not uncommon and they can survive with out one if they can over come the initial shock and injury.
Around the socket are is pretty scratched up, and looked bloddy this morning. All his other fins are torn up too. The eye wont' grow back will it?

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