Hi everyone, I have recently purchased a mystery snail and two nerite snails for my 64 liter tank with 5 female bettas. Immediately all bettas showed signs of aggression, they were all constantly nipping at my mystery snails antennas and knocking the Nerite snails off the glass. I was aware that there was a chance the bettas wouldn’t be too friendly so I had prepared a 24 liter tank to transfer them to. Unfortunately I had to move them because I was afraid they would get seriously injured or possibly die.
I was just wondering if anybody with knowledge of snails could give me some tips on keeping them like if 24 liters is to small, what would the optimum temperature be in the tank for both the mystery snail and the Nerite snails, if it is okay to keep them all together alone and what ornaments or plants I should add to suit them best. I have also tried researching a bit myself and some websites recommend a filter and others recommend no filter so I’m not too sure what to do.
Thanks you.
I was just wondering if anybody with knowledge of snails could give me some tips on keeping them like if 24 liters is to small, what would the optimum temperature be in the tank for both the mystery snail and the Nerite snails, if it is okay to keep them all together alone and what ornaments or plants I should add to suit them best. I have also tried researching a bit myself and some websites recommend a filter and others recommend no filter so I’m not too sure what to do.
Thanks you.