Mysterious White Dot?


New Member
Mar 17, 2009
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I discovered yesterday that my betta's tail was looking a little bit shredded and did some research to discover that it was most likely fin rot. I had changed his water that day, and today I did a 50% change and plan to do another tomorrow and so forth hoping it will get better (considering I read that having clean water will heal the fin rot). However, I just discovered this afternoon this little white bump coming off of his head that almost looks like a chunk of skin in a way. I tried taking a picture, though it may be difficult to see because he wasn't too happy about the camera.


and here's an example of his tail....well the best i can provide anyway...


He's still acting pretty happy and like he always has which is good. But I don't want him to get any worse. Is the white dot part of the fin rot?
Hmmm....well you're doing the right thing regarding the fins :good: If he is by himself, you could add Aquarium salt at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 19Lts. However, i would hold back with the salt until the lump is identified. I'm not sure about the lump? But will let you know if i find anything out.
FWIW, I have a very small BN Plec with 2 similar looking marks on him which we think are bite marks. Is your betta alone? (Obviously if yes then can't be bite wounds which would make the whiole point of this post useless......)

Maybe I should shut up now........
FWIW, I have a very small BN Plec with 2 similar looking marks on him which we think are bite marks. Is your betta alone? (Obviously if yes then can't be bite wounds which would make the whiole point of this post useless......)

Maybe I should shut up now........

I appreciate your advice, but yes, he is alone. Though thanks anyway =)

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