Mysterious Blueleg Hermit Deaths

Sea Turtle

Fish Crazy
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Stratford, Connecticut
I have, or had a bunch of blueleg hermit crabs. For some reason I am finding them dead ripped out of their shells with just their legs and a little bit if their boddy left. I really can't figure out why they are all dead. I do have a Scarlet hermit crab in the tank with them. Are the scarlet hermit crabs known for doing this? Could it be him?

you could have a hitchhiker crab that finds them slow and easy prey. come down periodically at night and see if you can catch anything cruising around your lr
you could have a hitchhiker crab that finds them slow and easy prey. come down periodically at night and see if you can catch anything cruising around your lr
If it is a hitchhiker crab can I catch it. I have heard that an upright glass against the rocks with some food in it can work. Do you think that this may work? Also, you don't think that the scarlet hermit crab would do this?
well this will catch any inverts in your tank. It may capture some of your good inverts too, but if there is a hitchhiker crab that is killing your hermits, hopefully this would catch it.

I don't know too much about the aggressions or habits of the different species of hermits, so I can't say whether scarlet did it. if the scarlet is much bigger than the blue-legs than possibly there could be a chance as they are crabs and are very opportunistic predators
Sounds like shedding to Whats shedded looks just like a full hermit with a shaggy bit for the body. They always go into hiding when they shed for a few days until their new shells harden and they feel happy enough to face the other hermits who would prey on them while they where soft. depending on how much food and possible upgrades for shells they shed ever few months or so.
Sounds like shedding to Whats shedded looks just like a full hermit with a shaggy bit for the body. They always go into hiding when they shed for a few days until their new shells harden and they feel happy enough to face the other hermits who would prey on them while they where soft. depending on how much food and possible upgrades for shells they shed ever few months or so.

haha..... :rolleyes: glad I know what I'm talking about. Totally didnt even think of that
Sounds like shedding to Whats shedded looks just like a full hermit with a shaggy bit for the body. They always go into hiding when they shed for a few days until their new shells harden and they feel happy enough to face the other hermits who would prey on them while they where soft. depending on how much food and possible upgrades for shells they shed ever few months or so.
Yes, this is just what it looks like. It basically looks like I grabbed the little guy, pulled him out of his hell and ate off half his body. They also smell like their rotting. Would it smell like that if it was a shedding?
LOL like you took it out an gave it a good
But yes the Exo would rot in just the same way as it was still living tissue.
The crab sheds get me as they just look like a dead crab, its only when you take them out and see how light they are and the fact the main body top flips up where they unzip ans step out. :lol: :p
If they where bought at the same time then its to be xpected that they would also shed within weeks of each other too.
Oh. Ok. That explains everything then. One more question. I have been doing some research about this. It says that I should be putting new empty shells in there for them to use when they molt so that they can move onto a larger one. Is this nessesary? Also, do I have to constantly be adding shells that a slightly larger then the ones they are in? If this is so, won;t my tank become a grave yard for old shells?
It would be beneficial to the crab because when they molt, they grow and when they grow, they need bigger and bigger homes... the same as a child needs bigger clothes as they grow. One of my blue legged hermits has upgraded through three shells so far and i think he has about maxed out.

You can get some shells at an lfs sometimes. There won't be that much of a variety of sizes, but dont make the mistake of getting ones that are too big. Prob the lfs will sell just larger shells for land dwelling hermits that get much bigger.
if they're small enough. I would get more than you think too... i have noticed mine could be picky. The shells I thought they would love, they have never touched....

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