mysterious... and scary


Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
In My Own Little World
i was going to pick up some fin-rot cure tomorrow after checking on King this morning and seeing huge blood pinpricks at the edge of his tail, but i came home and they're gone.

one week he's had the blood, coupled with some tail-Ich and pink rays (getting a cure for both too!) this morning i found him stuck between his plant and the glass gasping for breath and released him, he was so sickly. hadn't eaten all week.

then, suddenly, he's back to normal! i noticed bits of fly floating around his tank and thought perhaps he'd gone 'hunting' and the live food made him feel better. but hey, i'm not complaing; my boy is overcoming common and bad Betta ailments all on his own!

Yay! I hope all your bettas get to feeling better. I love reading your 'commentary' under their names. It's so cute! Pierce is my favorite. Shhh. haha
i celebrated too soon...

this morning he was wedged underneath the same plant, so i released him expecting to have to bag another Betta. instead he rushed up to the surface, gulped air, and started wiggling around begging for breakfast. his tail is turning transparent, and the ends are fraying.

looks like i still need fin rot meds.
Hi BettaBoyz :)

I really hope that your fish does not have fin rot. If it does, it is a bacterial infection and needs to be treated immediately. If you still think that is the problem, please do not wait any longer. :sad:

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