Myster Snail, Is It Dead?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I hope this is the right board to post about a mystery snail. We have one, golf ball size that is really cool. In the past it has been in its shell for a couple days, then it comes out, goes back, and we know is alive.

But for the first time this morning it is in its shell, floating at the surface of the water.

How do I know if its still alive, or dead? When I first got it, it clamped shut and I thought it had died. I left it in a bag hoping to return it, and after a day outside the tank I put it back in the water after being told it was normal behavior, and it was indeed alive! So I dont want to dispose of it if its still alive, of course!

Also, so I know they are not being neglected, what do u feed a mstery snail?

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