mysis shrimp


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
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new jersey
i read in the june 2003 flare (i got this with my membership package) an article by marianne lewis titled brine shrimp friend or foe. in the article she discusses her experiments with conditioning pairs with bs and bw and mysis shrimp and bw. the pairs conditioned with brine yielded small spawns in which the fry were slow growing and the male ate most of the eggs. the pairs conditioned with mysis yielded very large fast growing fry and nome of the eggs were eaten. have any of the breeders like wuv or cc or julie, or shark or techno or sorrell or anybody else ever tried using mysis?
when i breed my new fish in a few weeks i plan on trying the mysis shrimpp instead iof brine. :thumbs:

i don't know about teh brine shrimp thing, but that does seem to be a very interesting expierment. My spawn's parents were all conditioned on frozen bw and frozen bs, most the bw though since they don't like to touch the bs too much anyways.

Has she done the expiermetn multiple times? i mean there could be other factors affecting the size of the spawn too...if the expiermetn was only done once, it's hard to be sure that bs was the cause a small spawn size and slow growing fry..could be other things but tha'ts just my opinion. :blink:

as for mysis shrimp..i dont' think i've ever seen any around :blink: so i've never used them for my fish.
All of my betta eat frozen Hikari Mysis shrimp. It's smelly but they love it.Even the fry enjoy it at about 6 weeks.
They're tiny crustaceans (sp?) a bit bigger than brine shrimp. They're white with little black eyes.
cc-she said she had like 3 groups of fish all conditioned with different foods and spawned at the same time. then she did the experiment a second time so that the ones conditioned on mysis were conditioned on a new food. so she did it a few times. and the one fed mysis shrimp yielded large spawns both times she did the experiment with a new pair being fed mysis each time. the one fed mysis yielded 200-300 fry the others yielded 20-100 fry big difference

wuv- and you usually get large spawns right? interesting
slamster17 said:
cc-she said she had like 3 groups of fish all conditioned with different foods and spawned at the same time. then she did the experiment a second time so that the ones conditioned on mysis were conditioned on a new food. so she did it a few times. and the one fed mysis shrimp yielded large spawns both times she did the experiment with a new pair being fed mysis each time. the one fed mysis yielded 200-300 fry the others yielded 20-100 fry big difference

wuv- and you usually get large spawns right? interesting
ooo okay, that makes sense then, i've never read the article sorry. None of my audlts will really eat the brine shrimp anyways -_- they only seem to like the bloodworms, maybe i'll give mysis shrimp a try :unsure: gosh i've spetn so much money on fish food lately :S i need that job :crazy:
That is funny you bring this subject up, as there is an article in the current issue (October issue, don't ask me why the October issue is out already) of Aquarium Fish Magazine on Mysids. It goes into their history of how humans have used them since they discovered them and what a good food they are. I plan on getting some frozen ones at PetSmart the next time I'm there as I saw that they do carry them from Hikari (I couldn't buy them at that time as I had other shopping to do and they would melt). I'll let you know how my fish do on them after they've been on them for a while.

i should be getting that magazine :crazy: i also plan on picking up some mysis shrimp by hikari like you said to condition the pair i plan on spawning in a few weeks

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