My Write-up; Understanding The Nitrogen Cycle (please Read)


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Hey! Im new on the boards here. I came from the It's the Minnesota fish forums. I just started this write-up a few hours ago and wanted to share it with you guys. I'll also be active on the forums so feel free to throw me a PM if you need any help. :D

It talks about the Nitrogen Cycle and has a diagram.

Im going to be working on it some more and do more write-ups with diagrams. So let me know if this was of any good info for you guys. Thanks.

For any of the people out there that might be more experienced than I am, in aquariums or grammar, please point out any errors and what I can do to improve the write-up. Thanks!
very interesting. maybe you should add how a person can tell between different types of ammonia. Chelating agents and all that. Or maybe links to the pinned topics here on the subject(if you can obtain permission) The diagram was very nice thanks for taking the time to do that.
very interesting. maybe you should add how a person can tell between different types of ammonia. Chelating agents and all that. Or maybe links to the pinned topics here on the subject(if you can obtain permission) The diagram was very nice thanks for taking the time to do that.

Yea, I'll still be adding more stuff to it. I had just started a few hours ago, so Im still working my way on it. There's still so much I want to cover.

tengtou- welcome to Tropical Fish Forums! :hi:

Constructive criticism:
I understand the nitrogen cycle but I found your first graphic a little hard to follow. I wonder how someone learning this concept would feel? I think it felt too compressed and the arrows made my eyes wander too much. When I think of a cycle, I usually think of a circular image.
The link for the second graphic was broken.

Keep up the refinement. Things like this are always a great resource for all.

edit: spelling
i feel awful saying this because it's my big downfall too but you need to work on the grammar, it doesn't read very well because you've not got plural's agreeing in sentances and that sort of thing.
Thanks for the replies. Ive gone through it again and fixed my grammar errors, made it more easy to read, and simplified it a bit more. As for the graph, I might keep it the way it is, as I want a picture graph that will explain the whole process instead of just a circle graph with 4 or 5 images. Thanks guys.
Welcome Tengtou! I'm new here myself. I'm sure, like me, you'll find the people here friendly and eager to help.

Your diagram is awesome. However, I'd second the need to put it in an actual circle format.. perhaps with clean water at the top, then cascade down and to the right and then back up and to the left until it finally returns to the clean water at top center. It also might be good to include a brief description of each stage of the cycle, like "Fish excrete ammonia waste" or "Nitrospira converts Nitrite into Nitrate".

It might be nice to include detailed information regarding cycling; using both fish and pure ammonia. It would be an invaluable resource for beginners if all of that information was in the same place.

If you need any help with wording or editing, I'd be happy to lend a hand.

At any rate, great effort! Keep up the good work and welcome aboard.

The nitrogen cycle is not really circular though. I mean it is but there are several routes the different wastes can take. Ammonia can be absorbed by the bacteria or plants but the result of one is oxygen the other is nitrIte and that should be reflected in the graffic
Well now when I think about it, mine is a circle graph. It just has more routes to take in the middle. Because if you look on the outer ring of the graphg, its pretty much a circle graph. So its kind of like I just added alternate routes in the middle of the graph.

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