My wife's going to kill me.


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
Well, I did it again. This time I came home with 6 betta's, a 10 gal, and a 1.5 gal. I got 5 females, and 1 male. I got some of those plastic shoe boxes to keep them in till the tanks get cycled. I don't want to risk loosing them. The females are beautiful, and the male is awesome. He is a light orangish color. I'll post pics when I get them taken
pics are up! :D






AlexsDaddy said:
My wife's going to kill me., I need to stop looking at them!!!

We can see that you still can't stop looking at them. You'd better watch your back.
AlexsDaddy said:
Yup. :byebye: Well, she won't be finding out for about 6 months cause she is in the navy and just left for a 6 month deployment so I get to play Mr. Mom again. Not only to the fish but to my 17 month old son too. *sigh*
6 months is a long while. Perhaps the ship will stopover at Thailand and she'll get you more bettas.

In the meantime, enjoy the time you have with your kid and the bettas. It's fun too watch them* grow.

them* = kids and bettas
AlexsDaddy said:
Yup. :byebye: Well, she won't be finding out for about 6 months cause she is in the navy and just left for a 6 month deployment so I get to play Mr. Mom again. Not only to the fish but to my 17 month old son too. *sigh*
Awwww, wow six months is a long time :( I remember on my 5th bday my dad had to go on deployment for a whole year... i missed him a lot and I know he missed us. But I'm sure you can keep in touch with email and send her the pics of the fishies ;) If she gets mad well she really can't do anything to you and by the time she gets back she will more happy to see you :nod: Good luck with your bettas and playing Mr. Mom, I'm sure your son will love the new addition to the family!
Yea, 6 months kinda sucks, but we'll get through it. Being able to e mail every day makes it easier though. They are beautiful though. I saw them and couldn't resist. I have been wanting to do a female tank. Ah nuts! I gotta go. My son just dumped a whole can of flake food all over the floor!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! :crazy: :angry: I guess it is kinda my own fault though. I was kinda not paying attention to him :*) They are like the tide. You can't turn you back on them for a minute.......
They are beautiful, all of them! :wub:

Good luck setting up the female tank! Yeah I dropped a bottle of fish food the other day, more than half got everywhere. At least it didn't all go to waste, I got my dog to eat it, she seemed to like it but man was she sick the next day :X :lol:

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