My Wife Likes Anglefish


New Member
Feb 2, 2008
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me and my wife are keeping a 30g tank we have 3guppies(1 male,2 female) 8dianos 3goast shrimp and a betta our betta is vary dosile dosent pester the others at all my wife wants to get some angle fish would thay work in our tank thanks for eny info or past exsperinces
I would be careful even keeping him with guppies. Angel fish just have such extravagant fins, that it would more than likely be a problem. The betta would feel threatened in most instances. I dont have any personal experience, but I can tell you from my research that it is not a good idea to keep him with angel fish.

when you say the betta is docile, are you sure he is happy/healthy. He should be very active/responsive in good conditions.
The betta is happy and vary active he swimms around rides the curint of the filter exsplors caves digs in the sand trys to move rocks hes probably the most active betta iv ever seen hes just nice to all his room mates but we keep a vary close eye on him in case he dose all of a suden go mean we have a 1g bowl just in case i thought that maybe because he was so good with his room mates now we might be able to get the angles as long as we cept a close eye on them
I wouldnt worry so much about the angel's as much as the betta. They are quite slow compared to the angels and he will be ripped to shreds very quickly. (remember Angels are ciclids and will chase any fish that look like them) I had a very docile betta in a 300 liter, added a few angels, and overnight he fins were ripped appart and I had to rehome him to a small tank for a few days until I could build him a better home.

Also, on the other hand, a thirty is honestly too small for angels. They need a fair ammount of height for swimming space as they are so tall. You are better off starting a new, larger tank built around them. (hey, anything to get a new tank, eh?) :shifty:
angels will eat everything in that tank. the betta would be the first to go, ripped to shereds. then as they get bigger they will eat everything else, and i mean literaly eat, swallow whole
Even with the sufficient space of a 30 gal. I would not chance putting angelfish in with the betta, or any other of the fish you currently have in your tank, for that matter. If your wife still wants the angelfish, relocate the guppies, danios and betta to a different tank.
ok guys thanks for all the help looks like i wont be geting the angles i realy apretiate all your help
Why not treat your wife for valentines day you can always get another suitable angel tank and start cycling it. Don't say why and either treat her for easter or a birthday. I know I'd rather have fish than an easter egg. Be quick or the tank will not cycle fast enough and v day is a day away. 13th lucky for some. :rolleyes:
vday idea isent bad but she dosent want another tank in the house we have a 5 with her gold fish and then the 30 she says thats enought tanks for now
I wouldnt worry so much about the angel's as much as the betta. They are quite slow compared to the angels and he will be ripped to shreds very quickly. (remember Angels are ciclids and will chase any fish that look like them) I had a very docile betta in a 300 liter, added a few angels, and overnight he fins were ripped appart and I had to rehome him to a small tank for a few days until I could build him a better home.

Also, on the other hand, a thirty is honestly too small for angels. They need a fair ammount of height for swimming space as they are so tall. You are better off starting a new, larger tank built around them. (hey, anything to get a new tank, eh?) :shifty:

Oh i dooooo like your way of thinking, I use any excuse for a new tank too . Am up to 6 at moment and 'need' to get another one at tomorrow :lol:
I wouldnt worry so much about the angel's as much as the betta. They are quite slow compared to the angels and he will be ripped to shreds very quickly. (remember Angels are ciclids and will chase any fish that look like them) I had a very docile betta in a 300 liter, added a few angels, and overnight he fins were ripped appart and I had to rehome him to a small tank for a few days until I could build him a better home.

Also, on the other hand, a thirty is honestly too small for angels. They need a fair ammount of height for swimming space as they are so tall. You are better off starting a new, larger tank built around them. (hey, anything to get a new tank, eh?) :shifty:

Oh i dooooo like your way of thinking, I use any excuse for a new tank too . Am up to 6 at moment and 'need' to get another one at tomorrow :lol:
:lol: well you really do need a new tank for that gorgeous new orange CT don't you! (BTW its really not my fault you bought him, i had to point him out as he was so unusual :) ) but he is stunning and hey you can always say he was a birthday pressie to yourself :hyper:
vday idea isent bad but she dosent want another tank in the house we have a 5 with her gold fish and then the 30 she says thats enought tanks for now

I hate being the bearer of bad news but did you say she has goldfish in a 5 gallon? How many?

The minimum space required for a fantail or other fancy goldfish is 10-15 gallons per fish. Most people don't know that goldies can live to be 15 or 20 years old when given the right conditions. What will most undoubtedly happen if a goldfish, or in this case multiple goldfish, is forced to live in a 5 gallon is that while they may grow a little at first, they will become stunted. Stunting is when the fish's body stops growing but their organs keep growing. As you can imagine, this is a slow and very painful death for the fish. Please consider giving away the goldfish if you can't afford the space to have them.

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