New Member
Well, it started with one of my rainbowfish, he got all bloated then his left side started to look bad like his insides were starting to push out through his gill. He is breating heavily and not eating, but is still managing to swim around. Last night I noticed a long white string hanging out of him, I thought it might be poo at first but it has been there for 24 hours now! Could it be some kind of worm??? Now a few of my Black Neon Tetras are starting to puff up. Their bellys look lumpy and really big. They are still eating but one of them hardly moves around. I don't know what to do. I've never seen anything like it. I checked my water and it looks good. pH 7.6, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 40, Temp 78. I do weekly gravel cleanings and 20% water changes. HELP PLease! Before they start dying!!!