My web site V3


Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
UK Peterborough (80 miles north of london)
I've just compleated the modifacation to my site. I found that people that have a lower resilution screen can't see all of it and i've also changed the layout a bit. The gallery pave doesn't work cos i have no pictures to put in. if you have pictures of ur setups then i would like to put them on the site. Any comments good of bad are welcom.
My Webpage
Could be

Taken from his image (that isn't currently working) - oh BTW - I'm a winner - I've only gone and won £1011 off a holiday!!!! So thanks man :lol:

Oh yeah your site - nice lay out - But I'm not a big fan of frames - and you could have a light background colour rather than a texture - And all should be the same (Diseases has a white background)

and you've got your email and mobile number on there - you should use a mailto: to hide your email

and why would you want people to visit your site then call your mobile number - should definetly be removed!!
id change the font i find it hard to read.. apart from that no problems with me
Not overly keen on how you type in a sort of text message style, you seem to do it in some places, i.e at the start of most sections, but not in the main body of information.
Hi Tropjunky :)

I like your site a lot. It's easy to see that you put a lot of thought and effort into it. :nod:

And it was very nice of you to include a link to TFF. :D
I don't like it. Frames are what people in the computer stone age used to use, they look awful, especially with big thick grey borders. Also i'd recommend sorting out the awful spelling and grammar, it's clear you've made an effort with capital letters and full stops, but it doesn't really make the site look any more professional with 'words' such as "ur".

There are alot of companies out there that offer free webspace, file hosting, without banner adds and that give you a proper domain. If you are willing to pay a few bucks you could actually register your own and get very good webhosting (ie spend 15 bucks canadian and get both). If you'd like some information feel free to PM me.
Well the site was created because i've seen so manny sites say a loada crap about the hobby and well i creates it so tell people how i think it shuld be done. But thanks.

Does anyone know how to make a opions page? I'll accept a seperate page that i can just add to it.
Looks like you've put a lot of hard work into your website. I think it looks good but I also would recommend changing the font to something more block style and easier to read (for us half-blind folks) and your spelling and punctuation need to be corrected. I also agree that your mobile number should be removed. If someone has comments or questions, they should email you only.

Good luck and have fun with it :D
While the criticism is good if constuctive, I think if you've followed this post from V.1 you'll see TropJunky has made some big improvements to his site. each time it gets better. OK, there's still room for improvement, but it's not like he's a web designer though, is it?
Good work mate, follow the criticisms on this site, and it'll keep getting better.
If you want some pictures to use, you're welcome to any of mine. you can get them here.

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