my water tests


Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2004
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hey wassup? i have a 29 gal non planted tank w/ 4 giant danios n it n im still cycling. i do a 10% change everyday n its day 16 now n here r my results n i was wondering if they were correct for this time of the cycle as the amonia has not spiked yet.

nitrate ppm mg/l- 10
nitrite " "- 0
total hardness GH- 70
total alkalinity KH- 95
pH- 6.5
Amonia mg/l- 1.0 ppm
the ammonia is spiking at 1ppm, doesnt have to be a massive spike, it should always be 0 on a cycled tank.

When i cycled my tank the ammonia never got 0 and the nitrite only rose to 0.25 but i did intoduce loads of live plants and hey help alot
Sounds about right. 1ppm is a "spike"; 2ppm will kill most fish. Although Zebra Danios will probably survive. It should take about 6-8weeks before it's fully cycled. You should be seeing nitrite spike soon. If you don't see a nitrite spike in about a week, get a different test kit.

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