My Water is Cloudy


New Member
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi Everyone,

Today I woke up to find my water is completly cloudy for no apparent reason. Three days ago I did a 25% water change. Yesturday I checked my pH and it was above 7.8 so I administered Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Proper pH 7.0 in powder form to bring it down.

So to clear up the cloudyness I put Aquarium Products Crystal Clear in. Was these the proper steps or should I have done something else or is there anything else I can do to clear it up?

:) Any help anyone has would be wonderful! :)

~*~ Shannon ~*~
Hi! How long has the tank been set up? Bacterial bloom is likely to b the case if the tank's newly set up.
Hi, my water also did that every time i tried to regulate the ph. If your fish are capable of handling the ph where it usually stays, i would leave it alone. I stoped using that stuff because i could not see into my tank for days after adding it. Sandy
:) Hi, Harmony. If you haven't done a water change in a few days...then, change you filter (or clean it) for starters. I would suggest one with activated charcoal. I had the same problem a few years ago when I started up my tank. Just be sure you don't do water changes and filter changes at the same time. It unbalances your good bacteria.

That could be all your problem is. If the cloudiness begins to have a green tint, then, you should treat your tank for algae overgrowth.

You may have to do all the above for a couple of weeks until your good bacteria takes hold again.

Also, until you get things back in order, I wouldn't disturb your gravel too much. That's where your good bacteria are going to grow for now.

Hope it helps! Let us know. :D
Thank you everyone for the great advice!!! :thumbs:

I did change out my charcoal filter when I did the water change. I didn know you couldn't do that.

Im also going to leave the pH alone and see what happens I just hope everything will stay okay.

Thanks again!!!!!!!!

:D Shannon :D

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