My Very First Rescue Betta!


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
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Lowestoft, UK
Ok... so i'm thinking he is your ordinary VT but... his short tail and long pointy anal fin are taking me towards PK. Although he could just be a young VT just thought i'd check with you. He was in a nasty tank full of black skirt tetras and HE was nipping them... he has a bit of damage on his anal fin and dorsal but he is still a rescue betta! MY VERY FIRST!! Yippee! :D I'll call him Daffy, as in daffodil as in his colour :)



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Yeah i would of thought VT but his tail is in perfect condition no nips, and it is really short whereas his anal fin is long and real pointy :S im confused now... He looks just like my Bowzer :D

Bret :hey:
Broadland Aquatics It's A Good Little Shop, They Are Better At Marine Than Tropical Though :)
Can anyone help me with his tail type? i just went down to check on him and his ray branches are straight at first then curl down. when he flares they straighten out :) does that help?

They will need a better piccie to identify him. But dont upset him by making him flare too much bless!! :good:
I wont, well i just tried and he swam away bless him, so ill leave him a few days and try him on some bloodworms, see if that settles him ;)

Just want to add he is just over 1.5 Inches long... so he is not a young fish... although his tail is perfect. No nips atall... only nipped on anal and dorsal fin. He is a big, old guy so im swnging towards plakat....

Anyone else?

Definitely VT, I'd say the shorter finnage is caused by ammonia burn, but it's just a guess. I've seen that kind of effect before in fish that have been in uncleaned cups at Walmart way too long :/
EDIT: By the looks of it it's already on the mend though, when it's fresh it looks like nasty finrot on the ends.
Yeah, i thought he was PK because of the prfectly round tail... i dont know about the ammonia burns? he was in a tank with 3 black skirt tetras and all the filtration is a central system so im not sure his water was bad quality? :S if Synirr says VT it's VT :p

But good on me for rescuing him :p

Like I said, it looks like it's on the mend, so it could have happened to him before he was put in the tank you saw him in :dunno:
Might not be that at all, that's just what it looks like to me.

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