Fish Herder
I finally figured out what my unknown new cichlid was! Its a: Pseudotropheus Lombardoi
I am not sure if it is a female or just a juvenile but it is blueish purple with the black bands and look exactly like the fish on the website.
Ok so now that i figured out what it was, I still have a problem.
This fish has decided to claim all the rockwork in the aquarium to itself. Therefor anytime anyone elsse wants to go into any little crevice this fish chases them away.
At feeding time it will not let anyone else eat. and in between it chases everyone all around the tank.
So not liking this at all, as it appears my yellow lab and rusty are very calm and peaceful, i called my lFS and asked if i could bring this one back in and get one more lab and one more rusty. They said no! They dont take back fish just because they are aggressive. (well lets just say this is thelast time i shop there) But now i am torn. Do i leave it in there and let it terrorize the tank, or do i buy more, to see if that may help, or do i get rid of it?
I don't have the heart to euthanize it as other than his terrorizing my other fish he is very healthy and would make a great fish for somebody else, so please do not suggest this. and i don't really want to put him in my 55 gallon because i don't want him terrorizing my bigger fish or killing my tetra.
PLEASE HELP! any and all suggestions welcome!
I am not sure if it is a female or just a juvenile but it is blueish purple with the black bands and look exactly like the fish on the website.
Ok so now that i figured out what it was, I still have a problem.
This fish has decided to claim all the rockwork in the aquarium to itself. Therefor anytime anyone elsse wants to go into any little crevice this fish chases them away.
At feeding time it will not let anyone else eat. and in between it chases everyone all around the tank.
So not liking this at all, as it appears my yellow lab and rusty are very calm and peaceful, i called my lFS and asked if i could bring this one back in and get one more lab and one more rusty. They said no! They dont take back fish just because they are aggressive. (well lets just say this is thelast time i shop there) But now i am torn. Do i leave it in there and let it terrorize the tank, or do i buy more, to see if that may help, or do i get rid of it?
I don't have the heart to euthanize it as other than his terrorizing my other fish he is very healthy and would make a great fish for somebody else, so please do not suggest this. and i don't really want to put him in my 55 gallon because i don't want him terrorizing my bigger fish or killing my tetra.
PLEASE HELP! any and all suggestions welcome!