My Two Tropical Fish Tanks


Jul 14, 2011
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Okays well im new to keeping tropical fish.
Though i did alot of research on the fish before hand and it has helped alot, even though i have a species of fish that dont get along, per say.

I have a 55 liter tank
15 liter tank

I lost both my dwarf gourami's to dropsey :(
Sold my platak

Both equipped with heaters and filters, plants, gravel and ornaments

The large tank has stones with soil substrates for the plants, A large ornamental rock with holes for the fish to swim. And every fish i have has taken an instant love to it.
In this tank i have-

10 cardinal Tetra
2 male Platy
3 female guppies
1 male guppy
1 female Killifish
3 VT female Betta
2 Pleco's
A ton of snails

In the smaller tank i have

5 fire tetra
1 VT male Betta

Also planning on getting a 60 liter tank or 100lt tank to add to the existing tanks

I will get pictures up ASAP

Edit Pictures :D

This is an old picture, when it was just 3 guppy 2 dwarf gourami and 10 tetra

More recent

Large tank






Small tank

Baby guppy :D
Firstly, you are vastly overstocked in both tanks. The 55 litre in my opinion shouldn't house a.) that many fish and b.) some of the fish you have in there.

If the plecos you have are common plecos, they will outgrow that tank so quickly and will be unhappy. You need to think about either removing a large number of those fish and taking them back to the LFS; or alternatively, buying yourself a bigger tank.

I believe your stocking should look more like this for the 55 litre:

1 male dwarf gourami
1 female dwarf G (Already paired and bred once)
8-10 cardinal Tetra
1 VT male Betta
Hey. I agree with Kelly.

You should buy a bigger tank.
Anyway... please attache some photos.
Firstly, you are vastly overstocked in both tanks. The 55 litre in my opinion shouldn't house a.) that many fish and b.) some of the fish you have in there.

If the plecos you have are common plecos, they will outgrow that tank so quickly and will be unhappy. You need to think about either removing a large number of those fish and taking them back to the LFS; or alternatively, buying yourself a bigger tank.

I am looking into gettitng a much larger tank, one of around 330 liters.
The plecos are not common they only grow to 8cms max and i was told they would be fine in that size tank.

The smaller tank could be 15 liters - 20.

which fish do you suggest moving?
Hey. I agree with Kelly.

You should buy a bigger tank.
Anyway... please attache some photos.

Yeah you are way overstocked, how long have you had them? How does your male Betta get along with the 3 females? Just curious as I would have thought there would be fighting.

I'd love to see pictures
Hey. I agree with Kelly.

You should buy a bigger tank.
Anyway... please attache some photos.

Yeah you are way overstocked, how long have you had them? How does your male Betta get along with the 3 females? Just curious as I would have thought there would be fighting.

I'd love to see pictures

I just found another 60liter tank for like 17 euros, will see if i can go pick it up or look at it later :D
Oh i have had the betta about a week now

No, i have no fighting what so ever o_O
They are all so happy with each other.
My dwarf gourami is the king of the tank and keeps the fish in shape. And he keeps building a nest.

Thy are all so calm and happy swimmers
Yeah see if you can get that other tank and then move some other fish into it. How long have your other two tanks been up and running?

Plus I would defo seperate the male Betta from the females. It's only been a week and fighting can occur.
In my opinion, you still need more than 60 litres for all those fish, thats only a 5 litre increase.
I'd go with at least 100 litres.

As for the 15 litre. I suggest removing the following:

3 female guppies
1 male guppy
1 female Killifish

(In my opinion, guppies need a lot bigger than 15 litres. The baby guppys will be fine in there for a time, but rehome/sell/move to a bigger tank as soon as they get big enough)
In my opinion, you still need more than 60 litres for all those fish, thats only a 5 litre increase.
I'd go with at least 100 litres.

I thought she was gonna add the 60 litre tank to her existing two.
Im looking into getting another tank, adding to my two i already have.
If i can get the tank it will be good
and i will get another also that will be 100 liter +

If i can get the 60 liter tank, i will remove the male betta and put him in the 15liter tank on his own

Then move the guppies and killifish to the larger 60 liter tank
In my opinion, you still need more than 60 litres for all those fish, thats only a 5 litre increase.
I'd go with at least 100 litres.

I thought she was gonna add the 60 litre tank to her existing two.

Oh right, in that case, that would be good :)
It would mean that you could move some over and thin out the stocking in all 3 tanks.
In my opinion, you still need more than 60 litres for all those fish, thats only a 5 litre increase.
I'd go with at least 100 litres.

I thought she was gonna add the 60 litre tank to her existing two.

Oh right, in that case, that would be good :)
It would mean that you could move some over and thin out the stocking in all 3 tanks.
haha yes :p

My large tank has been up for over a month maybe 2, but had fish for around 4 weeks
In my opinion, you still need more than 60 litres for all those fish, thats only a 5 litre increase.
I'd go with at least 100 litres.

I thought she was gonna add the 60 litre tank to her existing two.

Oh right, in that case, that would be good :)
It would mean that you could move some over and thin out the stocking in all 3 tanks.
haha yes :p

My large tank has been up for over a month maybe 2, but had fish for around 4 weeks

Yeah that would be great if you can get the other tank. It's so easy to get carried away buying fish, I'm the same I want more and more. I loe Bettas and have a male and female myself. The female is in the community tank and the male is in a smaller tank with a few other fish.

May I just ask did you cycle your tanks? Sounds like your must have if they're all going strong after 4 weeks. Do you test your water?

Btw great pics. I love your Betta.
By cycle do you mean change some water?
If so yes i have done that twice 2 weeks apart.

And the water has been tested After slowly adding fish.
It was tested first with no fish, then added some
left it for a week and did it again and so on
Both tanks are perfectly sound.

Alright. Im going to look at the tanks later today. Hopefully will come home with one, but i need somewhere to put it now...
my room has no place anymore.

Any ideas of what fish should go in the larger tank, hoping i can get it :D
none of your tanks even sound remotely cycled, have you read the beginners section on here about filter cycling? Im amazed nothing has dropped dead yet.

Do you have a liquid test kit to even read the ammonia and nitrite levels in the tanks?

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