My Two New Girls!


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
I got these 2 lovely ladies about a week ago at a local lfs, I couldn't resist, they're 2 of the prettiest females I've ever seen. I think they're both veil tails but I'm not sure, their tails seem awfully long and wide, and the blue/green girl has a lot of combing on her tail. So let me know what u think of them!! :wub:

Heres Jude, she doesn't like the flash one bit, hence the stress lines.






And heres peaches, isn't she just adorable!!




im not the best at these things but i think the top on is a crowntail betta and the bottom is a veiltail

:) i think, but who knows trying asking the betta's :p
hm... are you sure Peaches is a "she"? She has suspiciously long fins :p and, yes, she is definitely a VT. I can't tell too well what Jude might be. She could by a Comby veil, or maybe a Delta? I can't tell, but visually cut her tail straight in half. If both sides are even, she's a Delta. They're both very pretty! I especially love Peaches!
I'd say Jude Delta, peaches Veil Tail. Peaches does kind of look like a male but I think she is just a long finned female.
I'm going to go ahead and say they're both Veils :) the first one isn't a full CT if she was her ray would be much more extended and you would see the rays on her anal fin quite definitely. She may be a comb tail however :)

The second is very much a veil with the length of those fins! some times you'll come across some females with the fins like that, I like that look on the girls, it's kinda neat :) good couple'a fishes there.
They're both pretty bettas =) I do think that Peaches might be a male o_o a very young one at least
Top one looks like it has small crowns.. not sure if that would qualify it as a crowntail or not.. the bottom one just looks like a veiltail to me... I like the bottom one.. neat coloring.

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