My trip to Petco this evening

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Fish Fanatic
Jun 5, 2005
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I went to Petco to scope out the new females because I knew they got in a shipment today.

What a mess! They dumped about 20 in a tank. Two were really, really big black females (I checked thinking they were male). One was lip locked with another in a major fight. I took a net and seperated them. I was surprised to see such big girls. Almost more than double the other females. Another was absolutely covered in looked like it snowed on her. There was so much agression in the tank. I found a yellow girl who was acting mellow and bought her. She is a beautiful yellow with a strange black spot on her top fin. It may be a start of fungus so I put some jungle fungus clear in a 1 gal with her.

If anyone lives in San Jose near the Petco on Meridian, they had the most amazing yellow male with long, long translucent fins. He was beautiful. But, if I bring another tank home I am in big trouble so I passed on him.

daudy_dojo said:
this is gonna get closed by wuv
umm, why?
this isn't walmart and she isnt complaining about it :p

Great find Sandi :thumbs:
too bad you couldnt get the male :(

I was not complaining. I just took action. They are lucky I did not dose the tank with Ick med off their shelf LOL.

Thanks for the congrats. I was so surprised to see yellows there. My dh would kill me if I got another male because it means another tank.

she wrote in the from now on thing that she is tired of hearing the kinda stories... have a heart and care about her she has to read these stupid sob stories... obviously you did read the whole from now on thing... im suprised she hasnt closed this alread :angry: jack heads dont be mean!
daudy_dojo its about making a thread complaining about walmart. This about bettas at petco.
This will not include new betta threads of a WM nature, but threads that are posted just to speak of a particular wal-mart and their lack of fishkeeping skills. For example..
"I went into Wal-Mart and guess what I saw? Dirty cups!!"

I THINK this post is under the new betta part. Also saying where someone could find a georgous betta.
quote from wuvs pin
Finally, I understand the forum is growing every day and this will be an ongoing process so I don't want to come off as a dictator. I also realize this is summer and the younger crowd is around more often and they tend to get over-excited/dramatic on certain topics. I'm just so tired of seeing all of the complaining and I know I'm not the only one. There's no reason to assume that myself or anybody else does not care for the downtrodden fish, because that's not the case at all. Reading such depressing stories every day can make a soul wear thin.
Let's all accentuate the positive.

read the last few sentences you friggin skimmers!!
ScoutCarcer said:
How about we just let Wuv decide if this thread should be locked or not.
Yeaaaaaaaah... Dojo, I'm confident that Wuv is perfectly capable of speaking for herself and making her own decisions... no reason to play forum cop ;)
i had a bad night too , rember children dont mix gouramis w/ bettas..infant daudy is not trolling now learn your terms!
Wuv can close this thread for one of the two following reasons: Your bickering and your bickering. Guys this world is cruel, you can't save everything. Dojo, I know what you mean but please, don't act so high and mighty, we're all equal. FRIENDLIEST FORUM AROUND :D . BTW about the large female, they might be giant. I got the same thing as you, bunch of females and another tank full of male plakat-size females.
They might have just been old :dunno:
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