Heres some pics of mytanks and fish bar a couple of tanks in the house. My camera is a bit old so the pics aren't the best
I'm getting a couple of new tanks over next couple of months as soon as I get a lock up for some of the stff i th garage so stockings all a bit temprary for now
This is a tank with just 3 Brichardi in, the decor probably isn't right what can I add or replace?
This is a tank that hs 4 mozambique mouthbreeders, they're young and I'm waiting to get a male and female,a male seems to have coloured up so two will be available to a LFS, When I got them the guy gave me three young firemouths as well sothey are in there along with two cown loach[/img
My Channa Pulchra tank which has a stray Syndontis Eupterus in there as well as aq royal plec I need tomove although its actually flourishing in there
I'm getting a couple of new tanks over next couple of months as soon as I get a lock up for some of the stff i th garage so stockings all a bit temprary for now
This is a tank with just 3 Brichardi in, the decor probably isn't right what can I add or replace?
This is a tank that hs 4 mozambique mouthbreeders, they're young and I'm waiting to get a male and female,a male seems to have coloured up so two will be available to a LFS, When I got them the guy gave me three young firemouths as well sothey are in there along with two cown loach[/img
My Channa Pulchra tank which has a stray Syndontis Eupterus in there as well as aq royal plec I need tomove although its actually flourishing in there