My Tanks Going To Poop!


Mar 21, 2009
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surrey uk
my tanks stats are all good and fine, i run a tunze skimmer arent over stocked do regular water changes but recently my shrimp died then a couple of turbos and i think its triggered something in the tank, all levels seem fine. there is this like clumps of browny algae like stuff that floats on the surface, on rocks and bits of coral and i do not know what it is! it stinks as well!, this is a long established tank for about 3 years in all.

i really need help coz its in the hall and its starting to look crap :(

Saying this tho most of my softies are doing fantastic and sos the acropora surprisingly!

my pagoda coral seems to be hit a bit by this brown stuff tho :(

should i give the pagoda coral a iodine coral dip to make sure its not got an infection in a few of the polps?

also the film covers the sand and glass i thought it could be diatoms?

i run carbon and phosphate remover.

when i change the water i suck up the brown and it keeps coming back!

I would agree sounds like Cyano to me what level are your phosphates at?

Have you cleaned out your circulation pumps recently might just need a once over to ensure they are giving the right flow?
could it be dinoflagelates (sp?).
i've seen it said that there is a link between dino and inverts dying off.
wow i just cleaned my 2 powerheads and its made a world of a difference, that cyano or whatever it could be is being disrupted from the rock yeeeerrrr! :hey: :sly:

this has made me wonder if the skimmer needs a clean out i may have had it for around 6-9 months now?

I will test phosphate again soon.
Its worth cleaning every thing every few months keeps it all tip top :good:
Make sure the air line and holes to the skimmer keep clean. They so easily get clogged up. Cleaned mine the other day and it was nearly completely blocked off!

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