My Tank!

Aw, I personaly love Black Moors to death (I've got one atteh moment) and you'rs are very cute. How big are they? What else you have in there, lol a betta and a pleco?
I got a Black Butterfly fish, Squirmy, and after he died I couldnt find any more and refused to get a Black Moor. Until I say a small cute one at the petstore and I had to get him. But Blackie died the morning after so I got a replacement, Elliot, he was perfectly healthy but died. And I Love Them Now :D Yours are adorable too :wub:
15-20 gallons, not so sure. But yeah, a pleco, a betta, and 2 black moores. And when the plecco gets bigger I will get a bigger tank so I won't stunt his growth. And they are both about 2-3 inches long, the plecco is 1 inch long, the betta about 2 inches long. Tank is a bit stuffy, but it's got a working filter.
Yup just a tad small, it's ok for now we understand, just so long as the filter puts out 10x the gph, so for a 15 gallon tank it needs a 150gph output, ect.
Have you had any problems with the betta? Because bettas are tropical fish, and goldfish are coldwater fish, so you might run into some issues. Does he get enough food, and what do you feed him (the betta)? I would think that would be pretty hard because bettas and goldfish need a completly different diet.
You say you will upgrade for the pleco but do you realise you will have to upgrade for your goldfish long before the plec gets too big? Goldfish grow to be a foot long and require 20 gallons for the first goldie with 10 additional gallons for each extra one after that. They also live a pretty long while if properly taken care of - the fact that yours died in quick succession like they did suggests something is wrong - most likely the tank's size is the cause. I'm not saying you need to do anything just yet but keep up with weekly water changes with de-chlorinated water, watch the betta because he's liable to be nipped and also very much a tropical fish, and do some research into goldfish so you know when you have to upgrade. ;) Cute fish :)
I don't know so much about keeping a betta with goldfish....I don't see the big deal but I've never done it. But I do know that the pleco is the LAST thing you need to be putting with goldfish. He may be peaceful and subdued now but he is eventually guaranteed to harass your goldfish to no end...trying to suck their slime coat off. He will chase them around the tank, suck most all of their scales off and then suck on their bare skin. Its not a pretty picture. I have seen it happen. The pleco (if he is of the "common" variety) will also get up to 14" in that small large he won't be able to rest in it in a stretched out position.

If you want to keep the 20 gallon...keep two black moores in it but get rid of the rest of what you have in there or put them in seperate tanks. The 20 gallon eventually will need to be upgraded to at least a 30 gallon though.

A goldfish needs at least (and this is a minimum) 10 gallons per fish. Sorry to put such a damper on your tank, I think you have it fixed up nice. Its just that none of those fish are going to be happy in that tank eventually, and then you aren't going to be happy. Just don't want you to have a disaster on your hands.
the main thing is the betta is tropical and the goldifh is a coldwater fish!!! :blink: but the goldfish will eat the betta once it gets bigger and wil fin nip

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