Fish Crazy
Still trying to perfect
lol thats happenin to me 2 im gonna save some many (its gonna take me my whole lifetime ) and going to buy one of tose huge ones or maybe 20 or 29 and im going to make it look great (if God helps me out with that ) oh yeah now i think my tank is the uglies thing i've ever seen , well its not that bad... but its the cloudiness wich it showed up again...i guess its bacteria like they sed but oh well what can i do against nature? juss have to wait a few weeks well your tank ione of the best i've ever seen George , and stan we're going to come up with somethin sweeeeeet dude! we're gonna join them well have to start savin money hereStanTheBetta said:I'd give it a TOTM. You all make my tank look so ugly. I can't wait till I get my 20 so I can rearrange my 10.