My Tank


Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
This is my tank, Rena Aqualife, 120 x 70.5 x 40.5. Stocking is (3 are in quarantine at the moment):

4 x Aplocheilus Lineatus (Golden Panchax)
2 x Bedotia Geayi (Madagascan Rainbow)
1 x Microgeophagus Altispinosa (Bolivian Ram)
2 x Pterophyllum Scalare (Angel Fish)
1 x Epalzeorhynchus Frenatus (Rainbow Shark)
3 x Botia Macracanthus (Clown Loach)
1 x Agamyxis Albomaculatus (Thorny Catfish)

Looking at getting some more fish, once I have returned all the fish back to good health. Filtration is 2 x Tetratec EX1200. Pictures aren't great as camera isn't brilliant, can't get any shots of the fish as they won't stay still lol.



Beautiful tank. Good job :)

What capacity is the tank?
That's an awesome set up.
Fish look great also, nice to see clown loaches and rainbow sharks in a fitting tank.

IMO a black background would look really nice.
I love what you did with the wood that's really cool
Thanks guys. The wood came with the tank when I got it, the large piece in the middle has a cave inside which the clowns hide in when they feel the need. I'm going to change the background sometime soon, not to sure about the black though. Might also get some fake plants if I can find some natural looking ones (don't have the time or funds for real ones and CO2, last time I tried it was a disaster) as I may be getting a severum in the near future, so need some more hiding places, also some caves may be in order for the sev, so it may be changing a bit soon!!!
ah its ok i spose :shifty: .......

actually its stunning :lol: im jelous , i love the aqualife tanks, and how you have done yours is perfection

i missed a tank like that on ebay last night, 1 bid for 100 quid :crazy:
I'm well impressed!!

Good set up you have there now get some more fish and more pics up!!! :good:

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