My Tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2006
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Ok so tonight I went to Petco and bought my fishies.

3 Tiger barbs who are schooling, I presume 2 have paired off, I will have to purchase another one at Petco,

3 silver mollies who are very small along with 2 gold gouramies who are even smaller. I asked the idiots when they fed them and they said they feed them only once a day in the morning. So I just fed them after an hours acclimation, and I can say they all ate very good. I gave them a cube of frozen blood worms, some pellets, and a small peice of romain which they have started chowing down on. I will need to buy some vito-gel or whatever they call that stuff.
Gold gouramis grow very big and they can be nasty aswell. I would keep a close eye on them but you wll have to find a new home for them when they get bigger as the tank isnt big enough for them. Also the barbs you will need to get more of as they will be unhappy in such a small group.
Tiger barbs dont pair. Fish like Angel fish pair. Tiger barbs school so there would be no point in schooling if they did pair. You should realy try get a bigger number so there aggression will be to a minimum.

From experience, I would say 30 keeps their aggression to a complete stop but I doubt you'd have enough room lol. :look:
People say a 6 rule is a good thing to start at :D
Intresting, I ddid some look up and noticed the gold gouamy is a hybrid sort of fish. And Yes they do get quite big, But they are very samll right now, they might grow alot within the next year.

I have one question though, since I asked how much all the fish get including thw SW ones they said once a day in the morning. My goruamies don't look well fed. Should I put them on a vitamin enhance diet to gain a bit of mass?
you have completeley ignored what has been said to you you need a bigger group of tiger barbs and you need to get rid of you gold gourami
you never seem to listen you had a similar thread in wich people try to help you but you ignore advice i advise you to research your fishes needs and setup a suitable tank
I searched on another forum, and they said 3 is acceptable. It's no like we study the fishes for years. You need to trust the opinon of hundreds of people. Not one person from ana lfs

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