My Tank With Pics


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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Yeah i really like the bubble wall, runs the length of the tank but took some pictures with it on and some with it off. Ironically bought it for my panda cory's as the last ones i had loved it. These don't seem overly fussed though. My cories are refusing to shoal as well just hanging out in 1's and 2's. Tetra's are all shoaling together happily though.
Hoping my tetra will start hanging out a bit higher in the tank once the frogbits spread and they have some cover.
Yeah love cardinals went out and bought 10. Put them in tank and 2 days later went out and bought 10 more. There colour is really starting to show now they have settled in too.
20 cardinals, 20 red phantom(didn't fancy serpea as there supposed to fin nip and i have angels going in eventually), 10 glowlight, 6 panda cory, 6 coorydoras julli. Although i don't think the cories show up in any of the pics. At some point i will try and get a decent photo of whole tank. Still going to add some "rare" cory's, 3 angels, 1 plec and a red tailed annoying git that will be rehomed if he picks on my cories.
Called red minors, you have indeed some serpae tetras unless I am mistaken again. They are the red/orange ones with a black mark on their sides.

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