My Tank Setup/fish Pics!


New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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im new at taking pics some didnt turn out great but i will post anyway.. i have had these guys for about 1 or so years have been doing very well together the Jack is pretty nice to em :p tell me what ya think!!





this is a different tank just waiting for this little guy to get bigger so i can put him in with the others!!

Looks good although some of the pics are a bit dark, I like the yellow/black striped fish what is it ?
Looks good although some of the pics are a bit dark, I like the yellow/black striped fish what is it ?

Yes i need to work on the picture taking skills..i have a good camera just need to learn how to use it right...But the fish you are describing is called a bumble Bee cichlid not sure of its scientific name, cool fish it has grown quite assuming thats why my Jack dosent mess with em..
you asked what we think, here goes..

your JD will make lunch out of the mbuna eventually and that treto in the last pic has no business being in with the others..

put the JD in his own tank so he can thrive properly, take the treto back to the store unless your willing to give him his own tank too, that "bumble bee" you talk about will be besides the JD the meanest thing in your tank.
The "bumble-bee" is a Maylandia Crabro. :D
Nope it used to be classified as Pseudotropheus but was changed some time ago to the Maylandia genus. :nod:
Well acording to the cd rom i have cichlids of lake malawi by Ad konings and book also by him its Pseudotropheus .cichlid forum also have it listed as this in there profiles .But hey im not gonna argue with you there is far too much of that going on at the mo :S
No need for an argument, we're only discussing it. To be fair, a lot of people still refer to them as P.Crabro because they had been that for so many year's but quite a few of the Pseudo's got re-classified to Maylandia including Crabro and Lombardoi (God knows why and no-one told the fish :lol: ).

Glad to hear you've got an Ad Konigs book, there are none better, its not wrong - just slightly out of date, thats all.
Your tanks look nice , i really like the planted one. As far as mixing aficans with south americans , alot of people think of it as fish taboo :blink: . I have had a succesful mixed tank running since 1994 and didn't seperate them til this last sunday. It can work but its more work than your average tank with them eating different things and such.
Your tanks look nice , i really like the planted one. As far as mixing aficans with south americans , alot of people think of it as fish taboo :blink: . I have had a succesful mixed tank running since 1994 and didn't seperate them til this last sunday. It can work but its more work than your average tank with them eating different things and such.

thanks for all the comments, i know usally this south american and africans mixing isnt supposed to work and i know the water parameters are slightly different etc etc, BUT i have had these fish together since they were very small they have all grown up together in the same tank with the same water parameters and i have yet to have any problems maybe im just lucky, altho i removed the Jack yesterday and put him in by himself so i can get all those little guys i have ( i only took 1 picture of the 5 bar i have i actually have 3 of them) all simular in size, put them in with the other africans to help promote faster growth in a bigger tank rather than being stuck in a 20 gallon.. once big enough i will re introduce the jack, like i always due when i add new fish...i remove him and then totally change around the tank plants rocks etc so hes out of place when he re enters...seems to work...The jack is very aggresive but dosent seem to bug the others that are simular to his size... is this all wrong?? seems to have worked so far i have never had a cichlid die on me yet..."knock on wood"
in the mixed tank that i just seperated it started out with , firemouth , jack dempsy , texas blue spot, and a Pacu ( whitch i don't recommend even owning ) the africans were cobalt blue , yellow lab , kenii. I also had a raphael cat in there but he didn't like it much so i gave him to a femal friend. I always kept live plants in the aquarium for food purposes for the africans as i saw them nibbble on them quite often , i fed a cichlid pellet with both fish and plant matter ( i stayed away and still do of fish meal). Every once in a while i would toss in some ghost shrimp ( all cichlids eat crustacians in the wild when they find them lol there like a cichlid drug) or tubeflex worms and occasionaly some baby roaches ( these were mainly for my lizards ). What you have to watch is not to give the africans too much meat protein. The central and south americans could really care less but they do like more animal meat or protein.
in the mixed tank that i just seperated it started out with , firemouth , jack dempsy , texas blue spot, and a Pacu ( whitch i don't recommend even owning ) the africans were cobalt blue , yellow lab , kenii. I also had a raphael cat in there but he didn't like it much so i gave him to a femal friend. I always kept live plants in the aquarium for food purposes for the africans as i saw them nibbble on them quite often , i fed a cichlid pellet with both fish and plant matter ( i stayed away and still do of fish meal). Every once in a while i would toss in some ghost shrimp ( all cichlids eat crustacians in the wild when they find them lol there like a cichlid drug) or tubeflex worms and occasionaly some baby roaches ( these were mainly for my lizards ). What you have to watch is not to give the africans too much meat protein. The central and south americans could really care less but they do like more animal meat or protein.

I try to mix it up a bit when feeding...they all love the veggie flake alot eat that up, the jack i actually feed him plankton i sometimes let the africans eat it but usally i just let the jack take it from my hand so the africans cant get a hold of it, i also feed the jack small goldfish or feeder guppies, i have also gave the jack live worms, frozen brimp shrimp, ham, and tried a "daddy long leg" spider he eats pretty much anything and seems happy as can soon as i come into the room he thinks hes getting fed or will come out to see what im up to...pretty cool for a fish and hes totally not scared at all when my hands are in the tank moving things and what not... hes probably only 5 inchs or so too.. fish meal?? like live fish is that what your talking about there?

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