My tank needs some color...


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
i've this problem where i love fish that are... bland from a distance. my tank is looking really drab right now, especially since i cleared out all the male guppies. i've recently acquired some sunset dwarf platies, but i'd really like to add even more color (preferably red/orange).

so what can you guys recommend? i'm interested in schooling fish with minimal amounts of black or silver. i'd prefer not to get anything particularly nippy like tiger barbs. i really need a species to inhabit the upper reaches of the tank.


the tank in question is a 60g, 4x1x2, w/:
-- 2 Kribensis
-- 1 Albino Common Pleco
-- 1 Bristlenose Pleco
-- 1 Otocinclus
--12 Guppies (pop. subject to change)
-- 2 coryadoras panda
i have these swordtail for colour
Hi I'm having the same problem. I have corys (black and white) and botia striata (brown and creamish).

I've just got some male guppies to brighten it up a bit and I plan on getting a female and male dwarf gourami as 'centrepiece' fish.

Do you have room for a decent size shoal? If your tank is planted I would go for a minimum of 12 cardinal tetras. I think the red/blue colouring shows up brilliantly against the green plants.

I was going to have cardinals, but I didn't think I'd have enough room for a decent number.
What size tank?

I would reccomend torpedo barbs or clown rasbora - they are both beautiful fish though they can be hard to find. The clown rasboras are a bright red-orange with black spots so a shoal would deffinately add color - as for the barbs; you have only to look at some to see why I'm suggesting them - they aren't realy that bright but they are amazing fish. Both get to around 4", the clowns are smaller, the torpedos larger.

If you are looking for realy bright color and have a decent-sized tank, rainbowfish are the way to go - look at the 6" red glossolepis incisus, the 4" beautiful, multi-colored melanotaenia boesmani and the 4" aqua blue m. lacustris... A school of any of these would make a stunning addition. Oh and don't be fooled by their bland colors in the LFS - they'll soon color up and you'll love them.
Praecox rainbow fish would fit the bill. They only grow to about 2 inches and are metallic blue with red fins (male) or yellow fins (female). They are schooling fish and stay in the upper half of the aquarium, stunning fish!
actually, i'd like a few more suggestions... you know: the more, the merrier!

so far (the schooling fish) you've listed:
  • --rainbow fish
    --torpedo barbs
    --clown rasboras
thanks for contributing!
I agree, Harlquins and especially harliquin rasbora do well in large schoals, are orange/red when conditions are ideal, and schoal together in the mid too upper regions of the tank. There is a profile done by non-other than myself in the Fish Index under Cyprininds. :)

Here are 12 in my tank.


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