My Tank Is Cursed!


Fish Aficionado
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, UK
I have been keeping marine fish to close to 2 years now (man it doesnt seem that long). I started off with a 58l nano tank then when I moved house I converted my 30g planted tank to a marine tank. In all that time about the worst problem I had was a fish eating crab and a bad case of cyano.

Since moving house again and getting a bigger tank I have had:
Damsels turning evil and pulling chucks out of everything.
An outbreak of whitespot.
My cleaner shrimp and blood shrimp deciding they dont like each other anymore (thinkfully they cant do too much damage to each other).
Lots of spilt water (both RO and Salt)

And now I have had an ammonia spike due to the new LR I added!! I noticed that my xenia had stopped pulsing (xenia is such a good indicator of tank health!) so did some tests and my ammonia was reading at about 0.5ppm!!

I had about 20g of RO water on hand so mixed in some salt and while it was mixing up took a quick (45min drive) to my LFS to get some polyfilter. Got home did a water change and added the polyfilter to my sump (directly under flow from the display). Should have another 30g of RO ready when I get home from work so will do another water change then and see what is happening.

Strangly other then my xenia not pulsing all the corals and the shrimp seem to be doing ok.

Just wish I had put the LR in my spare tank first to make sure other than just assuming that it being out of water for 2 hours would be ok. Hopefully I can get it back under control before I have any loses but it just seems to be one thing after another with this tank.
Oh dear! Have you got a lot of new rock then, or just a little? You aren't having much fun with this system are you :sad:

Good luck sorting it
WoW! sorry to hear. I had a problem with FW a year ago. COnstant Ich and fish dying on me without a cause. I finally nuked the FW and did a clean down of everything and turned the tank into SW :p
however i sitll keep a 10gal FW which is going good thus far. I hope things start to look up for you as i have not had any issues with disease in my SW tank as of yet (crossing fingers). Btw, what kind of crabs did you have that were your cleanup crew, did they cleanup poop in the sand? i'am looking for something that will thanks.
Was about 40kg being added to about 20kg that was in there (had it been the other way around it probably would have been fine).

Have tested today though and ammonia is back to zero again so hopefully it will stay that way (will still do a water change tonight and will leave the polyfilter in there for now).

With regards to CUC there isnt really anything that will eat fish poop. I would recommend a combination of snails though (turbos, cerith and nassarius).
Oh gawd barney, luck has to come your way soon - hey, hang on, what am I talking about - you have just got yourself a lovely new family :good: , your luck has already changed :fun: these are just little things sent to try us :blink:

Seffie x


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