My Tank Is Acrylic?


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
i just bought a new 3 gallon and while moving the gravel around i very lightly scratched the plastic. theres a similar topic about GLASS and i am unsure of the difference in buffering.

i dont have the fancy polisher or w/e, i just need a cheap easy fix. remember these are very light scratches, and i heard toothpaste will work for glass.

is this true with acrylic?(i believe its acrylic anyway)
i just bought a new 3 gallon and while moving the gravel around i very lightly scratched the plastic. theres a similar topic about GLASS and i am unsure of the difference in buffering.

i dont have the fancy polisher or w/e, i just need a cheap easy fix. remember these are very light scratches, and i heard toothpaste will work for glass.

is this true with acrylic?(i believe its acrylic anyway)

i don't see why using buffing out the scrachtes with toothpaste wouldn't work on acrylic, it works on cds, and i think theyre about the same texture. I'll have to try it out on my older tank and see if it works when i get home.
I don't have an acrylic tank, but I have successfully used toothpaste to remove fine scratches on watch faces.
I've also used toothpaste to good effect on the instrument fascia on a car I'm restoring, came up a treat. :good: Needs a lot of elbow grease though!

The other thing I've used that worked well (better than toothpaste in fact) is brasso (the stuff that comes in wads of cotton wool). No good for an aquarium of course due to the chemicals, unless you're going to strip down the tank and clean it thoroughly. A good choice for the outside of the tank, though.
great, when i decide to take the fish out ill try toothpaste! i feel much better now :good:
the best product that I have ever used on plastics was Novus 2. We used it on Helicopter canopies, where it got rid of the crazing and spiderwebbing that came with aging plex. Night vision goggles HATE scuffed windscreens! Worked like a charm, and I think you can get it at most auto stores nowadays. More expensive than toothpaste, but works great.

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