My tank has cycled.......but.!

Fat Boy

Fish Crazy
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, England
5 weeks and my 7 gal tank has finally cycled :D , 0 ammonia, 0 nitrIte ( Seems longer than 5 weeks ), but my nitrAte is between 40 and 80 ppm, is this ok or a bit high. If it is high what should I do to lower it or will it come down naturally. Oh one more thing, should I put some media from my 7 gal into my 42 gal tank ( i.e gravel, decor ) to speed the cycling process along.
IMO the nitrate is too high ,if you put some media from your other tank in there it will speed things up and do some water changes. ;)
As bigmac stated, teh water chnages will lower the nitrate down, as for your 42 gal only a handful of gravel from your cycled tank would suffice, Good luck mate.. :)
it seems that if you now have 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite , but have nitrate that your tank has already cycled . the usual way to keep nitrate down is to do regular weekly water changes. i do about 20 per cent..... weekly
pebbles is right on. With ammonia 0 and nitrITE 0 and a positive reading for nitrate and you have gone through the spikes then the tank IS CYCLED. To keep the nitrates in check do as pebbles suggested. I would also do an initial change to get the nitrates down below 20 if you can. If the above is true then you are cycled the nitrates are the end product of the cycle and will always need to be looked after by water changes. HTH :)
BIGMAC said:
IMO the nitrate is too high ,if you put some media from your other tank in there it will speed things up and do some water changes. ;)
Forgive me but how is media going to speed up nitrate absorbtion?

Unless he's got plants or does some water changes they're not going to come down.

I'm facing this myself once my fishless cycle is over. My nitrates at the moment are like 120 but I've still got time before my tank will be done at least another 1.5 weeks I figure.
I did a massive water change (90%) the day before I was going to buy my first fish after my fishless cycle was complete. Your loss of beneficial bacteria will be minimal as the majority of your bacteria should reside in your gravel and filter and not so much free-floating. Then test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate on the big day just before you go get your fish. Just to be sure all is still well and that your water change has brought your nitrates down enough. And yes taking gravel from a cycled tank will help immensly with cycling your new tank. I bought one of those filter media bags that had a draw-string top and hung that in my tank with the established gravel inside it. Cost me like $1.50. Good luck.
Thanks guys, have done a big water change ( about 40 % ) and the nitrAtes have come down to 20- 40ppm. Have checked my tap water and that is 10 ppm, so I think it will take some time for the nitrAtes to come down to below 20 ppm, and I right.? Thanks again for your replys.
Sky042 said:
BIGMAC said:
IMO the nitrate is too high ,if you put some media from your other tank in there it will speed things up and do some water changes. ;)
Forgive me but how is media going to speed up nitrate absorbtion?

Unless he's got plants or does some water changes they're not going to come down.

I'm facing this myself once my fishless cycle is over. My nitrates at the moment are like 120 but I've still got time before my tank will be done at least another 1.5 weeks I figure.
The way i read it two different questions were asked ..the 7 gall had cycled and it sounded as if he was askin about his 42gal cyclin thats what i was on about.Sorry if i missunderstood i thaught he was askin also bout speeding up the cyclin process on the 42gall, i missread the post now realise he has no fish in the 7gall by the sound of it somy advice was wrong.Sorry peeps my stupid mistake. :(

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